Saturday, May 22, 2010

Digital Sessions: New Divide

Since I haven't been posting as often as I would like to, I am introducing Digital Sessions, a little project of mine, into this blog. I've always enjoyed taking something and making more out of it. In this case, putting words and images together to create something new, or at least give shape and form to inspiration. I'm not versed in the ways of Photoshop -- just enough to get by -- but until then there is a wonderful application online called that lets you to play around with your images. It's a lot of fun and great for practice as well, so I highly recommend that program.

Digital Sessions includes digitally manipulated images paired along with words, phrases, and quotes of sorts for expression. Earlier this week, I was scanning in some of my fiancee's military pics for him. With Memorial Day coming up, I thought it'd be appropriate to start off Digital Sessions with some of his photos.

I remembered black skies
The lightning all around me
I remembered each flash
As time began to blur
Like a startling sign
That fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

There was nothing inside
The memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide
The ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
Between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect this space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide

Linkin Park, "New Divide"

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