Sunday, May 23, 2010

Digital Sessions: To the Wars

Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkinde,
That from the Nunnerie
Of thy chaste breast and quiet minde,
To War and Arms I fly.

True; a new Mistresse now I chase,
The first Foe in the Field;
And with a stronger Faith embrace,
A Sword, a Horse, a Shield.

Yet this Inconstancy is such,
As thou too shalt adore;
I could not love thee, dear, so much,
Lov’d I not Honour more.

- Richard Lovelace,  "To Lucasta, on going to the Wars"

For many in our country, the choice to go to war is not just made by one, but two people: man and wife, a family. You've heard of the saying The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. To me, this saying applies to both people in a relationship, whether he or she is in the military or at home holding down the fort. To all the soldiers and families who have made the choice and must deal with that choice everyday, Thank You for your service and dedication.

Going to the Wars is definitely one of my favorite poems. I find its imagery and analogy beautifully heartfelt. It speaks of the bitter sweetness of Love, Duty and Honor. Like the lone figure standing in the background in the photo, often times we can feel the loneliness and separation all too clearly in a long distance relationship. And while that is so, it is only true to an extent-- the ultimate destination is the same because although the trek we make are currently on different paths, we are still on the same team. One of the reasons I like this poem is because it reminds me of my man. Raihn is someone who strives to live honorably and righteously, even in the darkest of times, and rightfully demands of me to strive for the same.

Thank you babe for being who you are. We make an amazing team :)

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